Bouncing Around

I've been dancing between projects this week, unable to settle down and get something done or at least well established. I cast on the Leftovers Vest, but then promptly ran out of the yarn that I thought I had enough of to do all the ribbing. Apparently not. Found some more of that color at my LYS, but when I got there on this miserable, rainy, blustery day, I had forgotten my wallet, and had only my checkbook. Which of course, they wouldn't take my check. Now they have quite freely taken my money for the last 14 years, but they have a new policy of not taking checks--not even from a loyal and desperate customer. I was a little dismayed. But as I was driving home--yarn less--I remembered that inside my wallet was a punch card from said yarn shop worth $15, so I took a deep breath, drove back there and got my yarn. For free. Which took some of the sting out the earlier shabby treatment. And better yet, I didn't feel like I was really buying more yarn, since it was free. I suppose that is dancing around the "don't buy more yarn issue" but I was 1 skein short to get rid of about 7 other skeins, so there it is.

And since the card was worth $15, and Cascade 220 runs seven bucks a skein, I got a second one because I had seen the cutest kid's penguin hat I wanted to knit. So I grabbed up the gold to make the penguin--really it would have been a waste not to spend the other seven bucks and besides the "no checks" issue was still griping me.

So onto the needles went the penguin hat. Except not for the kids, but for me. Do you ever have days where you need a penguin hat? This week was one of them. And last night, with the beginning discs to the Battlestar Gallactica series, I got my knitting jones into a full groove. Nothing like a 3 hour miniseries to get a lot of rows done. Now I can say I finished something, worked through some more yarn, and best of all, I can plop it on my head as I take the kid's to school, mortify them badly enough so they'll write a memoir about me, and then walk my mile or so around the local track, displaying my whimsical hat with pride.

Yesterday the yarn finally arrived for my Christmas knitting. I am trying to knit as many things as I can from the stash, but I wanted to do the Lace Scarves I saw in the new issue of knitsimple, so I ordered some Lion Cashmere Blend from Yes, I know--that also violates the "no buy" rule, but this is for Christmas. See me really dancing now.

Here are the four skeins of "Black" they sent me. Ahem. Yes, I know, three of things aren't like the other. Three of these skeins are Charcoal not Black.
I had two questions: Who packs these boxes that they didn't notice the difference? And two: Did they think I wouldn't notice? However, I have to say, the woman on the 800 line at Joanne's was enourmously helpful and completely sympathetic. She sent me a pre-paid return label via email and reordered the black skeins so I wouldn't have to wait too long for them. I was impressed. And going from the snotty treatment at the yarn shop to getting such pleasant service from a big corporate giant, I know I won't hesitate to order from again.


Anonymous said…
Oohh, I think I know which LYS it is. Sometimes, when I go there, I feel like I'm an interloper rather than a knitter. If it weren't for some of their lovely yarn, I may never go there - but to be fair, it's usually only 1 or 2 of their clerks that are rather uppity, the rest have been pretty friendly to me. Internet shopping is easier and cheaper but you don't get to feel the wool, smell the wool, check the color. Oh well, I have some punch cards to use.
Elizabeth Boyle said…
I don't know if we have the same store, but if it is, I agree--it is only one or two clerks who are rude and the rest are always nice. And while I thrive on buying yarn over the internet and on eBay (hence the HUGE stash that needs to be knit) I LOVE going to the shop and seeing and smelling and touching the new yarns.
g-girl said…
the penguin hat is so cute! :) I can't believe you got charcoal instead of black. good question..who packs this stuff!

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